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Orson Welles - I Know What It Is To Be Young MP3: A Classic Song with a Timeless Message

Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young mp3 download

If you are looking for a nostalgic and sentimental song that will touch your heart, you might want to check out Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young. This is a rare recording by one of the most influential and legendary filmmakers of all time, Orson Welles. In this article, we will explore what this song is about, who Orson Welles was, and how you can download it legally and safely.

Who is Orson Welles and what is his legacy?

Orson Welles was an American actor, director, screenwriter, and producer who is best remembered for his innovative work in film, radio, and theatre. He is widely considered to be among the greatest and most influential filmmakers of all time.

orson welles i know what it is to be young mp3 download

He was born in 1915 in Wisconsin and showed remarkable talent in many arts from a young age. He made his debut on Broadway at 19 and became famous for his radio adaptation of H.G. Wells's novel The War of the Worlds in 1938, which caused some listeners to believe that a Martian invasion was happening.

His first film was Citizen Kane in 1941, which he co-wrote, directed, produced, and starred in as the title character. The film is widely regarded as one of the greatest films ever made and features innovative narrative techniques, cinematography, lighting, music, and acting.

Welles went on to make many other acclaimed films, such as The Magnificent Ambersons (1942), The Lady from Shanghai (1947), Touch of Evil (1958), The Trial (1962), Chimes at Midnight (1966), and F for Fake (1973). He also appeared in dozens of films by other directors, such as Jane Eyre (1943), The Third Man (1949), A Man for All Seasons (1966), Casino Royale (1967), and The Muppet Movie (1979). He also narrated many documentaries, television series, and films.

Welles died in 1985 at the age of 70. He received many awards and honors for his works, including an Academy Honorary Award in 1971 and a Grammy Award in 1982. He also influenced many filmmakers, such as Martin Scorsese , Steven Spielberg , Francis Ford Coppola , Woody Allen , Tim Burton , David Lynch , Quentin Tarantino , and Christopher Nolan .

What is Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young?

Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young is a song that Welles wrote and recorded in 1984 for his unfinished film The Dreamers . The film was based on two short stories by Karen Blixen , also known as Isak Dinesen , who was one of Welles's favorite writers. The film was supposed to be a tribute to Blixen's life and work, but it was never completed due to financial and legal problems.

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The song is a ballad that expresses Welles's reflections on aging, love, friendship, and life. It features Welles's deep and distinctive voice accompanied by a piano and an orchestra. The song was released as a single in 1984 by GNP Crescendo Records .

What are the main themes and messages of Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young?

The song is a poignant and poetic meditation on the passage of time and the. The song is a poignant and poetic meditation on the passage of time and the changes that come with it. Welles sings about how he knows what it is to be young, but also what it is to grow old. He acknowledges the joys and sorrows of youth, but also the wisdom and grace of maturity. He expresses his gratitude for the friends and lovers who have shared his journey, but also his sadness for those who have left him. He affirms his love for life, but also his acceptance of death. He invites the listener to join him in celebrating the beauty and mystery of existence, but also in facing the inevitable end with courage and dignity. How does Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young sound and what instruments are used?

The song has a slow and gentle tempo, creating a calm and soothing atmosphere. The melody is simple and catchy, with a clear structure of verses and chorus. The song is in the key of C major, which is often associated with happiness and optimism.

The song uses a piano as the main instrument, playing chords and arpeggios that support Welles's voice. The piano creates a warm and intimate tone, as if Welles is singing in a cozy living room. The song also uses an orchestra, consisting of strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion. The orchestra adds richness and depth to the song, creating contrast and harmony with the piano. The orchestra also creates different moods and emotions throughout the song, such as joy, sadness, nostalgia, and hope.

How did critics and audiences react to Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young?

The song received mixed reviews from critics and audiences when it was released in 1984. Some praised it as a touching and sincere expression of Welles's feelings and thoughts, while others criticized it as a sentimental and self-indulgent vanity project. Some appreciated it as a rare musical gem from a master of cinema, while others dismissed it as a mediocre and forgettable song from an aging star.

The song did not achieve much commercial success, as it was overshadowed by other popular songs of the time, such as Purple Rain by Prince , Like a Virgin by Madonna , Jump by Van Halen , and I Just Called to Say I Love You by Stevie Wonder . The song also did not receive much airplay or exposure, as it was not part of a film soundtrack or a musical album. The song remains relatively obscure and unknown to many listeners today.

Where and how can listeners download Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young legally and safely?

If you are interested in listening to Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young , you might be wondering where and how you can download it legally and safely. There are several options available for you to choose from:





A popular streaming service that offers millions of songs, podcasts, playlists, and more. You can listen to Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young on Spotify for free with ads or without ads with a premium subscription.

Free with ads or $9.99/month for premium

Apple Music

A streaming service that offers over 75 million songs, radio stations, playlists, and more. You can listen to Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young on Apple Music with a subscription or buy it from iTunes.

$9.99/month for subscription or $0.99 for purchase

Amazon Music

A streaming service that offers over 70 million songs, podcasts, playlists, and more. You can listen to Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young on Amazon Music with a subscription or buy it from Amazon.

$9.99/month for subscription or $0.99 for purchase

YouTube Music

A streaming service that offers videos and music from YouTube, including official releases, live performances, covers, remixes, and more. You can listen to Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young on YouTube Music for free with ads or without ads with a premium subscription.

Free with ads or $9.99/month for premium


A streaming service that offers music from independent artists, labels, podcasts, playlists, and more. You can listen to Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young on SoundCloud for free on SoundCloud for free with ads or without ads with a pro subscription.

Free with ads or $9.99/month for pro

These are some of the most popular and reliable options for downloading Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young legally and safely. However, there may be other options available as well, so you can do your own research and compare the features, prices, and reviews of different services before making your choice.


Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young is a beautiful and moving song that showcases the talent and personality of one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. It is a song that speaks to anyone who has ever experienced the joys and sorrows of life, love, and aging. It is a song that deserves to be heard and appreciated by more people.

If you enjoyed this article, please share it with your friends and family. If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below. We would love to hear from you. Thank you for reading!


What is the name of the film that Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young was written for?

The name of the film is The Dreamers , which was based on two short stories by Karen Blixen . The film was never completed due to financial and legal problems.

Who sings the female vocals in Orson Welles I Know What It Is To Be Young?

The female vocals are sung by Angela McCluskey , a Scottish singer-songwriter who has collaborated with various artists, such as Télépopmusik , Paul Oakenfold , and Tryptich .

Where can I watch Orson Welles's films?

Many of Orson Welles's films are available on various streaming platforms, such as Netflix , Hulu , Amazon Prime Video , HBO Max , and Criterion Channel . You can also buy or rent them from online stores, such as iTunes , Google Play , Vudu , and YouTube . You can also check your local libraries or video stores for DVDs or Blu-rays.

What are some other songs by Orson Welles?

Orson Welles did not record many songs, but he did sing or narrate some songs for his films or other projects. Some examples are:

  • I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly from The Muppet Movie (1979)

  • The War of the Worlds from The Mercury Theatre on the Air (1938)

  • The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo from F for Fake (1973)

  • The Shadow Knows from The Shadow radio show (1937-1938)

  • We'll Meet Again from The Stranger (1946)

What are some other sources of information about Orson Welles?

If you want to learn more about Orson Welles, his life, and his work, you can check out some of these sources:

  • Orson Welles: A Biography by Barbara Leaming

  • The Other Side of the Wind (2018), a film by Orson Welles that was completed posthumously

  • They'll Love Me When I'm Dead (2018), a documentary about the making of The Other Side of the Wind

  • Citizen Welles: A Biography of Orson Welles by Frank Brady

  • Orson Welles's Last Movie: The Making of The Other Side of the Wind by Josh Karp


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